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Old Guy Complaints – Pt. 2

Three old farts are discussing their various aches and pains and bodily functions. 

The 70 year old complains “I wake up every day at 7 a.m. and it takes me 20 minutes just to pee.”

The 80 year old says “That’s not so bad. I wake up at 8 and then sit and grunt on the commode for half an hour before I can take a crap.”

The 90 year old says “My situation is far worse than both of yours.  At 7 each morning I pee like a horse and shit like a cow. “

“So what’s the problem?” they ask him.

He responds “I don’t wake up until 9.”

“Don’t Make Me Beg You” (3:16 mark in video)

Here is just maybe the funniest song ever written.  Randy is an old codger obsessed with a young thing:

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