50 Years and We’re Still on Buzzy’s Front Porch

 A final post today on this year’s Buzzy Car Show involves going back some 50 years ago when I took this photo:

Me, Dickie, Greg, Joe Clark, Stevie and Robby

It was in 1972 and we were celebrating my Brother Stevie’s return home from Viet Nam.  Hence, him wearing his GI garb.  

To get the photo, I set the camera on a tripod, hit the timer button and jumped in just as Joe was about to flip the one finger salute.   I was drinking Jack and Coke with a beer chaser, Dickie, Greg and Stevie each had a beer and Robby was knocking back a bottle of Boone’s Farm.

As noted, that was 1/2 a century ago.  At this year’s Car Show, Robby and Greg’s niece Melissa, pointed out to me that the 4 of us in the original photo were all present and suggested that we re-do the photo.  I am forever grateful that she did so.  Here we are, the four of us a little older, grayer and rounder but still smiling.

Photos by Linda Lepper

With Joe and Brother Stevie no longer with us, Dickie, Greg, Robby and I had a quick conversation as to whom we should have join us in the re-shoot.  Pat Guy and Bobby were unanimous choices even if we couldn’t fit them in with us between the porch posts.  (I guess those posts have moved closer together thru the years.)

Reminds me of a Paul Simon song about old friends sitting on a bench that contains the line “How terribly strange to be 70.”   Considering that my Brother Stevie and Joe didn’t make it to 70,  I don’t necessarily agree with that line.   That my “old” friends are still here with me makes the whole aging thing a little easier knowing and sharing that we all made it this far.  I do get by with…….

I showed you the Joe Cocker at Woodstock version of it just yesterday, but check out this take of With a Little Help from the movie Across the Universe.  Doing dumb things with friends uh, yeah I can relate to that.

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