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Casual Friday

When I worked on Base I developed a theory that posits – the more trivial an issue, the more time and attention will be spent on it. (This does not pertain solely to matters of bureaucracy, but also to things in general, an example of which would be the recent Obama birth certificate doo dah.)  My then boss Frank Faust returned from one of the Corporate Board meetings where the head honchos had convened to discuss big things.  Frank laughed as he gave me a debrief and said “I thought of you and your theory as we spent pretty much the entire first morning discussing whether or not to relax the dress code.”

Here’s a similar tale by a lawyer, Legal Tease, who blogs anonymously on what it’s like working for a large law firm.  She gives a funny account of her firm’s discussing their implementation of Casual Friday click here,  (Don’t let her blog site’s title SweetHotJustice scare you off.  It’s not a porn site, but she does talk about lawyers and sex alot.)

Also, here’s a funny chronology of an office’s attempt to implement their Casual Friday click here.

Finally, here is a picture from titled “Guess Who Ruined Casual Friday?”

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